I have done creative work on everything from the smallest of independent films to the most successful blockbusters of all time. I have led entire creative departments along with managing projects and people at every level.

I am at home in Edit Bays, Writers’ Rooms, Filmmaker Meetings and even directing talent for marketing materials. I’ve even had the incredible experience of directing actors such as Robert Downey Jr. and Andrew Garfield for Spider-Man and Morgan Freeman for Lucy among others.

I have first hand experience with Social Media and Print advertising through my former position at Concept Arts. And I am no stranger to what it takes to create a film and release it to the world. I worked directly with the filmmakers of the Open Road Films movie Branded as a Producer and Editor.

My experience is both varied and extensive. If there’s one thing I have learned it is rarely easy to capture and hold attention. But isn’t that what makes the challenge worthwhile?


2024 - Present Executive Creative Director at Workshop Creative

2016 - 2023 Department Head / Executive Creative Director at Concept Arts

2010 - 2016 Executive Creative Director at Create Advertising

2008 - 2010 Freelance AV/Film Editor

2003 - 2008 Senior AV Editor at Ignition Creative

2002 -2003 AV Editor at 20th Century Fox

2001 -2002 AV Editor at Ant Farm

1998 – 2001 Editor, Motion Graphics Artist at Fleet Street Pictures/Harley’s House

If you’re interested in knowing a little more about what I’ve done and why I did it here’s an interview I did with Corey Nathan for Trailer Geeks and Teaser Gods…